2016年4月20日 星期三

My Superdog & Batcat! :)

依賴又忠心的狗狗, 和聰明又獨立的貓咪, 
Why God created dogs & cats?
There are so many differences between them,
dogs are loyal and need more attention 
but cats are independent and less demanding.
Which you love more?

I drew these two babies for a painting class 
which is going to be held next month in Far Eastern Department Store.
A Superdog and a Batcat! 
這是 Vianne 為遠東百貨設計的彩繪課程,
想參與課程的朋友, 還請留意開課訊息喔!

They are just too cute so that I want to make some postcards out of them!
所以 Vianne 忍不住為他們製作了明信片套組

I designed four different style, 
Superman, Batman, Let's Fight For Right(A) and Let's Fight For Right(B), 
and added some small graphics in each of the backside of four postcards.
I think they will bring smile on your face!!
有超人, 蝙蝠俠, 為正義而戰A&B,
我想看著他們應該會不自覺露出微笑喔 :)

