2016年4月14日 星期四

遠東百貨牆面插畫展--Far Eastern Department Store Wall Illustration

即日起, 就可以在遠百寶慶店4樓多元空間外牆, 
看到 Vianne 的可愛動物們唷! :)

就可以免費獲得 Vianne 的插畫明信片, 

FUN夏文創 打卡趣
5/9-5/19 4樓多元空間
歡迎停下腳步與小動物們拍照打卡, 持手機打卡畫面至8樓客服中心, 即贈「 VianneArt限定明信片乙張」 (限量50張,每人每個帳號限換乙次)

It's my third time to have a wall illustration display in Far Eastern Department Store,
and this time is on 4th floor which called " A variety of spaces"!

A blue door with a flora wreath on it says hello to every visitors!
I especially love the red brick, very charming!

Bunny lady prepares the most pure black tea
and delicious cupcakes for all of you!

Naughty Shiba Inu doggy is so happy to meet people here!

And please don't forget to say hi to shy penguin lady!

Check-in on your Facebook page, 
dachshund chef appreciate it very much! :D

