2016年4月23日 星期六

Drawing Recipe Course

Vianne 覺得色鉛筆是最適合隨意塗塗寫寫的顏料了~

Vianne 的色鉛筆食譜於4/26(二)在 "Rilassato, Caffe e Vino"開課喔,

Are you a fan of baking and drawing?
That's try colored pencil!
Course Infos: "Rilassato, Caffe e Vino"

Colored pencil are easily to be worked with.

In this class, I will show you how to blend colors to present unique hue.
Vianne 會示範如何混合顏料呈現特殊的色階

I will show you how to use colored pencil loosely,
and get your personal style! 

Doodle inside!

Join my "Drawing Recipe With Colored Pencil"! :)

2016年4月20日 星期三

My Superdog & Batcat! :)

依賴又忠心的狗狗, 和聰明又獨立的貓咪, 
Why God created dogs & cats?
There are so many differences between them,
dogs are loyal and need more attention 
but cats are independent and less demanding.
Which you love more?

I drew these two babies for a painting class 
which is going to be held next month in Far Eastern Department Store.
A Superdog and a Batcat! 
這是 Vianne 為遠東百貨設計的彩繪課程,
想參與課程的朋友, 還請留意開課訊息喔!

They are just too cute so that I want to make some postcards out of them!
所以 Vianne 忍不住為他們製作了明信片套組

I designed four different style, 
Superman, Batman, Let's Fight For Right(A) and Let's Fight For Right(B), 
and added some small graphics in each of the backside of four postcards.
I think they will bring smile on your face!!
有超人, 蝙蝠俠, 為正義而戰A&B,
我想看著他們應該會不自覺露出微笑喔 :)

2016年4月19日 星期二

Subscribe my mini illustration book-- 插畫小書訂購

如果你(妳)喜愛 Vianne 的插畫, 想要收藏,

Vianne 希望將每日的畫作又這樣方式讓大家收藏,

不論是自用, 送禮, 或是表達對 Vianne 的支持,

If you live overseas, and would like to subscribe my mini illustration book,
please feel free to contact with me,
we will figure out the best way to ship my books to your city! :)

Book Size: 3.5"x4.5"x0.75"

1-month subscription  訂購單月(一冊180元)

3-month subscription  訂購3個(優惠價格500元, 共三冊)

6-month subscription  訂購6個(優惠價格950元, 共六冊)

ATM 匯款/銀行轉賬

戶名: 張佳琦
銀行: 玉山銀行 808
分行: 北投分行 0864
帳號: 0864-979-085348

***免運, 小書會用平信寄出, 如需掛號需補價差喔***


Vianne 會寄送賬單到你(妳)所指定的聯絡信箱,

完成匯款後, 還請聯繫 Vianne, 確認款項與訂購期數喔 :)
Mobile Number: 0939598908
Email: Vianne661207@yahoo.com.tw
Line ID: Vianne661207

Vianne's Illustration Mini Book-- Vol.1

I do everyday drawing for a couple of years,
and I keep thinking how to show people my works continuously,
so I tried this mini book to see if it works for me, 
then..... I am happy with it's result! 

My first mini illustration book--
Vol.1, May, 2016-- Mother's Day Gift

Vianne 每天都畫畫, 
終於, 在試了許多方式後,

於是推出了以月為單位的 "Vianne's Illustration Book"~


Vol.1, May, 2016-- Mother's Day Gift

Vol. 1--Mother's Day Gift

Storage in a matchbox.

8 pages mini book.

All about carnation gift idea!

How about a carnation wig for your mom?
如果有一頂康乃馨假髮, 因該挺有趣的

Or a carnation purse must be great, too!

And no one can say no to a cup of carnation coffee!
如果有用康乃馨裝點的咖啡, 應該很好喝吧

Want to say something to your mom but you are always too shy to say? 
是不是總有些話想對媽媽說, 但是又太害羞呢

Let's Panda help you!

On the back of the mini book is a full A4 print of my original illustration,
you can display it on a wall or frame it as a gift for your friends or family.
將小書展開後, 是完整的一幅 Vianne 的插畫,

Get ready for Mother's Day coming? :)


2016年4月14日 星期四

遠東百貨牆面插畫展--Far Eastern Department Store Wall Illustration

即日起, 就可以在遠百寶慶店4樓多元空間外牆, 
看到 Vianne 的可愛動物們唷! :)

就可以免費獲得 Vianne 的插畫明信片, 

FUN夏文創 打卡趣
5/9-5/19 4樓多元空間
歡迎停下腳步與小動物們拍照打卡, 持手機打卡畫面至8樓客服中心, 即贈「 VianneArt限定明信片乙張」 (限量50張,每人每個帳號限換乙次)

It's my third time to have a wall illustration display in Far Eastern Department Store,
and this time is on 4th floor which called " A variety of spaces"!

A blue door with a flora wreath on it says hello to every visitors!
I especially love the red brick, very charming!

Bunny lady prepares the most pure black tea
and delicious cupcakes for all of you!

Naughty Shiba Inu doggy is so happy to meet people here!

And please don't forget to say hi to shy penguin lady!

Check-in on your Facebook page, 
dachshund chef appreciate it very much! :D

2016年4月7日 星期四

Red Wine Drawing Course at Rilassato~~ :)

昨日在 Rilassato 的紅酒課真的是太有趣了~~
好多美食與有趣的學員, 生活的樂趣, 不過如此 :)

It's a really fun day to have my first red wine drawing class at Rilassato!
Everything's just perfect!

Rachel & Sarah prepared so many Italian food and treats for us, yummmmmy!!

Beautiful art works were all completed after chatting, eating and painting!

Yay! We mad it! Cheers!!!

I just couldn't stop drawing during my class, 
cause everything is so amazing beautiful! :)

2016年4月5日 星期二

Drawing in Red Wine :)

Vianne 的第一堂紅酒畫畫課就在明天, 今天將上課的講義畫好了喲!
Vianne 覺得這是個對於想嘗試水性顏料的初學者而言, 是個很好的體驗課,
使用單一色調彩繪, 可以讓課程簡單而有趣.

每位參與課程的朋友, 都有一份 Vianne 的手繪複印講義, 
以及水彩畫紙組合包喔! :)


My first drawing in red wine class will be held tomorrow, 
so today I am working on my how-to paper for the course!

This is really a fun class that you can paint in such a easy way with just single hue,
and I also think it's a good training for beginners who want to explore wet medium.

Each person can get my drawing print,

and your watercolor paper kit!

More class infos please click here.