2016年4月5日 星期二

Drawing in Red Wine :)

Vianne 的第一堂紅酒畫畫課就在明天, 今天將上課的講義畫好了喲!
Vianne 覺得這是個對於想嘗試水性顏料的初學者而言, 是個很好的體驗課,
使用單一色調彩繪, 可以讓課程簡單而有趣.

每位參與課程的朋友, 都有一份 Vianne 的手繪複印講義, 
以及水彩畫紙組合包喔! :)


My first drawing in red wine class will be held tomorrow, 
so today I am working on my how-to paper for the course!

This is really a fun class that you can paint in such a easy way with just single hue,
and I also think it's a good training for beginners who want to explore wet medium.

Each person can get my drawing print,

and your watercolor paper kit!

More class infos please click here.

