2017年4月13日 星期四

Vianne's Art Supplies--Graphite Aquarelle

These are must have supplies in my bag.
Vianne 最近包包必備的畫畫小物喔

Faber Castell--Graphite Aquarelle

Pencil Cap

Stabilo--Black Eraser
質地軟硬適中, 無毒橡皮擦

Let me show how it works.
Sketch the kitten image with 2B & 6B graphite pencil first,
Vianne 畫隻貓咪示範一下~~
先用鉛筆 2B & 6B 畫出草圖

and paint with watercolors, no need to erase extra lines.

the pencil is water-soluble, so you can see all lines are dissolved in paints with water.
可以清楚發現底稿繁雜的鉛筆線條, 已經自然地融入顏料裡了

Super easy to work with when using water-based paints.
貓咪的身體也是, 真的是很好用的素描鉛筆喔

Btw, I painted this kitten using a reference photo of the street cat--Bob. :)

