2018年10月21日 星期日

Petite vanilla bean scone :)

My first breakfast in NYC was at Starbucks, 
someone might be curious about why I didn't pick any special places to eat? 
that's because I ate alone and it was my first time for visiting NYC, 
so I just want to go a place that makes me feel cozy, familiar and tasty for sure. :)  

It didn't disappoint me, the drink is good, and I just love their "Petite Vanilla Bean Scone",
very sweet, very tiny, super great with a hot latte. :) 

2018年10月20日 星期六

The Bookshop

It's always great to have sufficient time to watch movies on a plane.
"The Bookshop" is definitely the one I'll recommend you guys to watch on your flights.
The story is good, but what really inspires me are those clothes worn by actresses and even their hairstyles in this movie.

Emily Mortimer as Florence Green

Patricia Clarkson as Violet Gamart

Honor Kneafsey as Christine

2018年2月8日 星期四

VianneArt on Etsy--Owl clipart set

I just set up a new listing on my Etsy shop--Owl clipart set :)
Any fun things we can do with these cute images?

I printed out the black and the brown baby owls with some hats on watercolor paper. 

Cut out the images.

I used two tinny crochet hats as a ribbon on her head.

And the gentleman hat for the black baby owl.

Make envelope from smooth white cardstock.

Then make a simple paper coat.

The most fun part of the project is coloring an envelope with Faber-castell makers! 
I think these are great for baby shower party, 
everyone would love to receive a cute owl invitation. :)

Please check my Etsy shop here. :)

2018年1月23日 星期二

VianneArt on Etsy-- Borzoi clipart set

This is my new set on Etsy--Borzoi clipart set :)
What I think recently is that I should make some samples for people who love my images and want to use them to make some works for friends or selves, also share you guys the process of each of my new set!

I  usually work on pencil first,

then color them with watercolor,

this dancing doggy is ready!

More dogs are completed, too!

I printed some of them on a thick watercolor paper,

and make the running doggy as a new year greeting card for friends,

and make a dog flora wreath as a home decoration,

and package my envelope,

you can add small elements to make it looks more interesting. :)

I think it's also can be a bookmark?!

How cute the face is, haha~

Hope these can give you some ideas! :)
Check my Etsy here.

2017年4月13日 星期四

Vianne's Art Supplies--Graphite Aquarelle

These are must have supplies in my bag.
Vianne 最近包包必備的畫畫小物喔

Faber Castell--Graphite Aquarelle

Pencil Cap

Stabilo--Black Eraser
質地軟硬適中, 無毒橡皮擦

Let me show how it works.
Sketch the kitten image with 2B & 6B graphite pencil first,
Vianne 畫隻貓咪示範一下~~
先用鉛筆 2B & 6B 畫出草圖

and paint with watercolors, no need to erase extra lines.

the pencil is water-soluble, so you can see all lines are dissolved in paints with water.
可以清楚發現底稿繁雜的鉛筆線條, 已經自然地融入顏料裡了

Super easy to work with when using water-based paints.
貓咪的身體也是, 真的是很好用的素描鉛筆喔

Btw, I painted this kitten using a reference photo of the street cat--Bob. :)

2017年4月5日 星期三

Vianne's Art Supplies--Pencils

Thanks for being with me,
I would love to share every art supplies I use with you,
because this is the major part I'm interested with when I find a new artist I love!
Let's start from pencils :)
Derwent is my favorite, it has a very soft touch, 
easy for drawing on any kind of papers, 2B & 5B I use the most.

Vianne 樂於和大家分享日常所使用的美術用品,

Staedtler: 筆芯較硬, 色階區分明顯, 是很好上手的素描鉛筆 
Blackwing筆芯較軟, 無色階分別, 非常好延展的筆芯, 末端附有橡皮擦, 可替換
Derwent筆芯, 色階區分需注意力道拿捏, 適合有繪畫經驗者使用
Mitshbishi--uni: 製圖筆, 有色階區分, 可長時間使用, 需額外選購削鉛筆器

Vianne 偏愛軟質的鉛筆, 所以用 Derwent 做示範
最近抹茶很夯, 就畫冰抹茶好了~~

Derwent 2B with watercolor
2B 鉛筆加上水彩

因為鉛筆質地軟, 所以即使在水彩上層, 也可輕鬆畫出線條

希望大家能選擇適合的鉛筆, 好好享受畫畫喲 :)

2016年11月28日 星期一

Vianne's Illustration Mini Book-- Vol.7

My 5th mini illustration book--
Vol. 5, September, 2016-- "Stylish Dogs"

11月插畫小書--"Recipe Book"

什麼, 是你(妳)烘培時必備的工具呢~

做給自己與親朋好友吃的 當然食材都用好一點呀~~

瓶瓶罐罐 不但裝點廚房 也可以保鮮烘培物品~

雞蛋與奶油 好像總不可或缺 :)

甜食魅力 誰都無法擋哦~~

小書背後  是 Vianne 畫得滿滿的巴黎超市小物
逛異國超市總令人感到有趣~ :D

Vol. 7, November, 2016-- "Recipe Book"
